Posts tagged nature
Nature Therapy: How Nature Heals Us

Nature therapy is a wonderfully accessible & broad practice. Gardening, walking through a park, landscaping, mowing - maybe that’s a stretch! Regardless, nature therapy is completely accessible to you wherever you live!

We’ll be digging into nature therapy throughout this entry. Take a breathe and settle in, as we’ll be jumping into several components:

  • Defining Nature Therapy

  • Ways to Practice Nature Therapy

  • Dietary and Health Practices

  • Benefits of Connection to Nature

  • Local Community Agencies to Get You Into Nature

Keep going to learn more about how our connection to and within nature is wonderful for us. And keep an eye out for a couple of personal stories that have impacted me along the way.

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The Calming Effects of Nature on Trauma Survivors & PTSD

Okay, just breathe!

C'mon, you can do it. This happened a lifetime ago. What's my calming plan?!? Count backward slowly - that didn't work. Somatic breathwork?! Yeah right! What's next? I'm not calling Katie again...I can do this. Oh yeah - get outside! 

If you have ever noticed the fantastic difference it makes being outside versus in our home, office or car? If so, you are NOT alone! Maybe you've forgotten the impact of the warmth of the sun, the gentle touch of a spring breeze, songbirds calling out to one another or the touch of your plants as you stroll through your backyard native garden. Spending time in our natural world offers tremendous opportunity for calm. Nature provides significant effects on our bodies, minds and psyche. This post will examine nature's calming effects on our lives. Specifically, we're going to learn about how outdoor activities give us the most positive effects for healing from our traumas.

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